Saturday, April 30, 2011


                             REVISITED .....
The story so far .... Alexis visits Steven in Washington, to hear his concerns over Sammy Jo.. Fallon informs Jeff she wants to do some shopping in Malibu, she fails to mention she plans on visiting Miles Colby!! ...Krystle continues to suffer with headaches and her behaviour becomes erratic..Sammy Jo recieves a call from Alexis..
After her brief phone call to Sammy Jo, Alexis had become so enraged, she wasted no time embarking on her journey to New York. Alexis stepped out of her limo, she entered the Fifth Avenue office of 'The Kane Photo Agency', she had not informed anyone of her arrival.
"Can I speak to Mr Kane? It is vital I see him, Dear!"
Alexis looked at Shanice Cole, Denny's pretty assistant, with a look that left the young employee with no option but to summon her boss.
"Who shall I say is calling? I can't guarantee he will see you. He is very busy!"
Shanice could tell that this glamorous, yet authoritative looking woman would have to be handled with care, she would not be persuaded otherwise.
"Thank you dear! Just tell him Alexis Colby is here to see him about Sammy Jo Reece!"
Minutes later Alexis had taken the elevator, one floor up to the studio..
"Mrs Colby! What can I do for you? Sammy Jo isn't shooting today. My camera is still steamed up since our last session!"
Alexis grinned, Sammy Jo was certainly the Emperess of Sleaze...
"Mr Kane! I don't wish to see that little tramp... Not at the moment anyway.. I came to see you! I am sure you and I can be of service to one another!"
Alexis sat down on a nearby stool, she lit up a cigarette, she could see an ashtray nearby, signs of a distant indulgence not too far gone..
"I can't see that I can help you in anyway. Unless you want to update your portfolio.. You are a stunning looking woman! I could shoot some stunning promo shots of you!"
Alexis was flattered, she knew Denny had the pick of ultra glamorous females.
"Mr Kane! I am all for ultimate promotion.. However my interests at present is a production of another kind! What is your relationship with Sammy Jo? Business or Pleasure!!"
Denny was shocked yet intrigued at her line of questioning.
"Purely business Mrs Colby! But I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in a more pleasurable relationship!"
Alexis was surprised, but Denny was a handsome guy, she knew it would only be a matter of time.
"Denny! I can call you that? It may be worth your while to get Sammy Jo all steamed up in your favour! You are an attractive man. You should have no troube in ravishing the ever available Sammy Jo!"
Alexis has finished her cigarette, stubbing it out, as she mentioned the vixen's name.
"I am sure I could persuade her. But why? What advantage would it be to me.. Apart from the obvious!"
Denny was puzzled, but interested.
"Whilst entertaining her with your charms, do make sure you use other more high tech equipment, to catch the act on film. Of course I would maintain my dignity, if I were you! Sammy Jo's much seen face, will be all the coverage I need!"
Alexis squeezed his arm, a wry smile racing across her scarlet lips.
"You want to blackmail her? Why?"
Denny knew that Sammy Jo despised Alexis Colby and he was soon realising the feeling was mutual.
"Blackmail..Mr Kane is a word I find quite distasteful. On the other hand evidence is a word I choose to use! Evidence to help my son Steven, get my grandson out of the clutches of his by coastal mother."
Denny sat intrigued by Alexis, such a complicated woman, she would make an excellant subject.
"Your son Steven..he's gay.isn't he? Isn't the kid better off with his mother, than with a gay father and his boyfriend?"
Denny was only too aware of Sammy Jo's side of the story.
"Mr Kane! My son's sexuality is not the issue or the fault here! It is the wayward lifestyle of his ex-wife, that is the problem. Sammy Jo has passed Danny around so many times in favour of her career. Steven has a stable environment, a good job and his own home."
Alexis felt strongly on the subject as Denny was now only too aware.
"Look Mrs Colby! Don't get me wrong, I am not homophobic or anything..Hell I have lots of gay friends. I was led to believe your son left the kid on his own, while he went out cruising. Sammy Jo claims he used to lock him in his room. She led me to believe the guy was schizophrenic. He used to hit her in rages!"
Alexis eyes widened, she was furious!
"That knickerless fantasist! How dare that bitch, blacken my son's good name. Steven Carrington is the most gentle man I have ever known. For that harlot to say he could ever be violent or mistreat his own son is inexcusable! Steven has never harmed a hair on her unnatural head! This is all part of her campaign to keep Danny and subject him to her brand of motherhood!"
Denny looked into Alexis's eyes, he knew then she was totally sincere, he never really believed anything Sammy Jo told him."
"I believe you Mrs Colby. I can see you love your son. Okay I got the hots for Sammy Jo. She is one sexy babe, but hell you can't have brains and a body like her!"
Alexis couldn't argue with that.
"You can sample her brainless brand of sexiness, while you help me rectify this injustice. A rather large cheque will be the icing on the cake for the piece of film!"
Denny thought for a moment, long enough to decide to help her, besides times were hard, he could not afford to turn down a large amount of money.
"Okay! I will go along with it. Just as long as my name stays off this assignment! I want to feature in 'Vogue' or 'Harpers' not 'Hustler'!"
They both shook hands, laughter echoed around the studio, Alexis played to win.
Fallon sat in her car outside Miles's Colby's beach house, she had spent the morning shopping with a couple of her girlfriends, a lovely lunch and a welcome catch up put her in an upbeat mood. It was now late afternoon, Fallon knew the time had come to face Miles, lay her seasonal cards on the table. She had not informed him that she was in the area, the element of surprise could be in her favour.
"Fallon baby! I can hardly believe it! You should have told me you were coming!"
Miles was more than surprised to see her, he was thrilled, delighted to see her back on her feet again.
"Miles. I just happened to be in town, Christmas shopping, seeing old friends, one of which is you!"
Fallon could tell he was still heart over head infatuated with her, she knew it would not be easy persuading him otherwise. She had to admit his fleeting kiss at the hospital, did excite her, she would be kidding herself if she believed otherwise.
"I am not such an old friend! I would still like to think of you and I as a flickering flame!"
Fallon was only too aware how intense that flame was, she inhaled the enticing scent of his Polo cologne as she brushed past him.
"I have to fly back tomorrow on the early flight. The car has to go back to the rental agent. I only hope I can manage all the gifts I bought!"
Miles gave her a smile, he was so glad to see her.
"I have really missed you baby. Hope you liked the flowers. Something to remind you of me!"
Fallon was lost for words, all her thoughts, planned speech about her solid marriage to Jeff, how he was all she needed, somehow momentarily erased. She wondered if she would be able to resist the  temptation, he no doubt would try to entice her with!
"Miles! I thought we both had come to an understanding as regards to our relationship? I thought you accepted the fact that I am happy with Jeff. That my marriage is the most important thing in my life, other than the life of my son."
Fallon found the strength to confront him with her original thoughts.
"Jeff Colby is one lucky guy. I accept you are his girl, happy in his arms. But hell! I can't help the way I feel about you. I doubt I will ever feel otherwise."
Miles took her hands, pulled her close, she felt powerless to resist him.
"Miles! I am flattered you care so much for me. We can't go back to the way we were.. We just can't!"
Fallon pulled herself away from his grasp.
"You are far away from home. Let me kiss you for old times sake. Let me try and conjure some of the magic again. We can create a night filled with fireworks!"
Fallon could but be impressed with all the melodrama, even if he was beginning to sound like a character from a soap opera! But she was weak when it came to men, even more so when they both shared a past, that was still very present. Before she knew what had engulfed her, his lips complimenting hers, his hands running all over her body. They became consumed by a whirlwind of undressing, there was no turning back now, not tonight anyway! Fallon had failed in her mission to make him understand they were only friends. She knew when early hours dawned, she would be guilty, she would have to try again!
Sable Colby had enjoyed her dinner and was now relaxing with a cup of coffee. Krystle Carrington sat opposite her at the dinner table, her plate untouched. Blake had informed her he would be late home from the office.
"Krystle! How do you feel now? You hardly touched your dinner!"
Sable knew in her heart, that Krystle had a troubled mind . But it was pointless asking her as she would only deny the fact, that is until such a time she was desperate to unload her burdens.
"I am fine! I love Christmas. Don't you? Beautifully wrapped gifts..Mistletoe.. Holly.. Running barefoot in the snow!"
Krystle starred ahead of her, almost in a daze. Sable did not quite know what to say to her.
"All wonderful Krystle Dear! Why don't we retire to the study. I could do with a shot of brandy in this coffee."
Krystle resembled a Stepford Wife as she turned her head and stared straight at Sable.
"I need to go to the kitchen! I must check the refrigerator. See if there is enough chilled champagne for the holiday season!"
Krystle left the dinner table, leaving Sable bewildered. Sable decided it was best to let her go.
Sable decided she would have that brandy shot, she wanted to have a look at an advance copy of her book, which came by courier earlier in the evening from her publishers. She felt excitement holding the glossily covered hardback, a most fabulous jacket photo by Gary Bernstein adorning the back cover. She also looked forward to the book tour and spending some quality time with her daughter Monica. 
In the kitchen, Krystle had inspected the contents of the refrigerator, her lips quivering like a Texan tycoon's wife, there was no Champagne to be found! There had to be a bottle or two, she had to find some, maybe it was hidden! She proceeded to empty the entire contents, Caviar and Creme Brulee cascading to the floor, a gourmet's nightmare. 
"Those idiot's. No consideration!"
Krystle got up off the floor, where she had been kneeling, kicked aside the spilt food, then left the kitchen by the back door. She needed some fresh air, a drive to clear her head. Krystle drove her car out of the garage, out of the grounds, into the night.
Later that evening, Blake arrived home, with no sign of Krystle, she had not returned. Sable informed him of Krystle's antics, her ramblings and the mess she left in the kitchen. 
"Where on earth has she gone? Did you try to stop her?"
Blake was distraught, he knew she had been acting strangely for some time.
"Blake! She went to the kitchen, caused an upheavel and left. She was well on her way when I realised she had gone!"
They were both puzzled and concerned, even more so when four hours later she had still not returned.
Blake was tempted to call the police, but he knew she would return on her own accord. He hoped she might call, he prayed she was safe, he could not go through losing her all over again...

(C) 2011  Mark McMorrow..

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