Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This month in 2009, Joan attended the Autographica show in Birmingham England. I was delighted to fly over for the show and spent the weekend at The Hilton in the grounds of the NEC in Birmingham. On the Saturday evening there was a Gala Dinner attended by Joan along with Ernest Borgnine, Mickey Rooney, George Lazenby and a host of other celebrities. I was delighted to have dinner at Joan's table and chatted about various things. During the course of the evning she signed this menu and place card. The photo of myself with Joan was taking the following morning,as I was invited to her suite to spend some time chatting and signing a few items for me before she made her way down for the days signing event. I will be attending another show in few weeks and will be having dinner with legendary star of "The Birds" and "Marnie", Tippi Hedren.. You can see a report from that show on my blog www.touchoftheatre.blogspot.com .. after the event! Also shown here is a photo of Joan at her signing table for this event and a photo of Joan speaking at dinner, you can see my head just about in the frame..


  1. "dinner at Joan's table"?!? Well, Mark, you sure are a very lucky boy ;-) Next time you're on a date with Joanie, can I come too? Take care. O.

  2. Olivier .. will try and fit you in! mark.x


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